Diane Anslow


I first came across Tracy Taylor-Scott on the Michael Ball fan club page. Her posts were truly inspirational and we chatted and became friends on facebook. Then I lost my mom very suddenly aged 90 and then 8 months into my grief I was diagnosed with cancer. I had an hysterectomy and chemo and radiation treatment. It was a hard time but Tracy you became more of an inspiration and I will never forget your kindness to me. You gave me something to look forward to by one of your many acts of kindness by taking me to Michael and Alfie open air concert in Scarborough and letting me stay with you in your caravan and even picking me up too. I had a great time thanks to you. You also made me realise that if you want to go to see a show ect... it is ok to do so on your own and I am certainly doing that if I have no one to go with. I went to see Alfie show at Albert Hall last year on my own, something I would never have had the confidence to do but you made me realise anything is possible. Being a member of this group is so special, Tracy works so hard in making this group so nice and raising money for such good causes is so wonderful to do. I have won a few things but the winning is not important its the feeling of belonging and feeling safe in a group of lovley people who feel like friends and hopefully one day I will get the chance to catch up with some on this group and Tracy as well. Tracy you are one amazing kind lady, be proud of what you are achieving and keep positive.

Cathy Borchelt


I became Facebook friends with Tracy Taylor-Scot over a year and a half ago. We bonded over our shared love of Michael Ball and Alfie Boe. We discovered an even deeper shared connection as our lives had been greatly impacted by cancer and a myriad of other health issues. Our birthdays are two days apart. I had been wanting to see a Ball and Boe concert for the longest of times and through the goodness of her heart, Tracy gave me a ticket for the Hampton Court concert. While I hadn’t flown for years, Tracy convinced me I could do it. When we finally met face to face, it was as though we had been friends for ages. We discussed an idea that had been percolating in her mind for a long time - the formation of a group of fans who were inspired by all that Michael and Alfie do for their charities. Tracy felt that, in our shared difficulties, giving to others was the best way we could rise above it. She also wanted a safe space where we could support, rejoice, even mourn with one another without fear. There is no coercion to donate - you give what you can give when you can give. Through her unbelievably hard work, the group has managed to raise significant funds for different charities. Tracy has inspired us by working through her health issues, by her unbelievable generosity, and by her willingness to go that extra mile. I count her as a dear friend and an example to emulate.

Ruth Pendlebury


Tracy, this group is fantastic and uplifting, you do a lot of things for a lot of people. I was lucky enough to win in one of your giveaways, and I thank you for that. You are amazing for the amounts that you raise for charities and you are a lovely person to talk to in person when we met last year in Scarborough and at the RAH. I would love to be able to meet you again sometime, also any of the other warriors on here so we could have a good natter together.

Sheridan Olson


Well I came across Tracy Taylor-Scott. By accident. The more I read her posts about her fight with her health. My problems were nothing compared to hers but she inspired me to look at the good things and to keep a positive mindset. Which I have Been doing and I feel better about myself and things I have faced and made me realise I came through it a stronger person. Her hard work for the charities that all the members have helped her reach her goal to help these. She does giveaways and I have been lucky to have won two things so I have donated two items to help her cause financially I'm not in a position to do much more. She is so kind and hard working making this group work as well as her own work and health issues she won't lie down and give up she stays positive.

Sharon Crooks


I first became aware of Tracy Taylor-Scott on the Michael Ball fan club page,and chatted on the group pages ,we eventually met on the first night of the musical treason.tracy started up the warrior group, and immediately I knew it was the type of group I wanted to be a part of ,I won a signed copy of Michael Balls book and two eggcups. The charities that Tracy has picked are two of alfie boe and Michael Ball 's favourites,and is now raising money for the music man project ,a really amazing group of people. I would recommend joining Tracy's group. Tracy is an amazing kind lady.

Michael Holt


Having done acts of kindness & charity fundraising & being subject to Chinese whispers I thought is it really worth it - I love Musical Theatre & Having joined the MB M&A fanclubs to see somebody with the same passion that Tracy has for the lads , photos & meet/greet nearly every week but when she created her Warrior Army I thought yes I agree with the principles of what she's trying to create. Never met but been in an Arena at the same time - does that count ? - I never joined to win a gift - I know she has a great work ethic the awards say it all - health issues but still carries on creating magic moments for people- Is she a friend mm I'd like to think so - I saw AOL first time round & I was more fascinated with how the props moved on stage than the music so if I've gone down in your estimation then so be it luv - keep doing what your doing & stuff the rest xx

Rita Boulton


I met Tracy at Warners when Michael was there, and several times since. I have been amazed at how Tracy has been able to carry on with all the health problems she has. Travelling to see see .Michael & Alfie, even though having to cope with all the health issues. I had operations a few years back,for bowel cancer, and now have a stoma, and are anxious about travelling to see Michael, but Tracy has encouraged me to do what I can to get to the events, and I will be able to cope. Along with starting up the Warrior group, and helping raise souch money for charities. Tracy is an amazing lady.

Michelle Moran


I First Became Friends with Tracy on Facebook Through My Love of Alfie and Michael,This lady Is a Fighter She Faces every Challenge ,She Has Helped people who have Faced the Dark Sides With What They have been through and Also Going through ,She has helped me with my Dream of Meeting with Alfie Boe which I never Thought would Happen Also Her Kindness To everyone Is Totally amazing I'm proud of This Wonderful lady and For all she stands for As with out Tracy we would not Have The Warriors This Group is Going From Strength to strength and I love Being part of it Thanks Sweetheart For Just being you We Love you loads your simply the best 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹

Sara Williams


All I can say is that I don't know a more supportive person. Tracy has created a fabulous, kind and caring group who all love Michael and Alfie. Her give-aways are legends, testament to her personal kindness. The gifts I have received have brightened my day and made my heart sing. A truly special lady who thinks of all before herself❤️

Marian Palmer


Tracy and I became fb friends first and then eventually managed to meet up at a gig, Michael at the Palladium. We hit it off straight away and have met on several ocassions since. Tracy gifted me a ticket to see M & A out of the goodness of her heart. She is a lovely, caring and warm person, who lives to do things for others, so, it was no surprise to me when she set up her fundraising group for various charities. In the group we have prize draws and giveaways, all donated by either Tracy or the members. It is a very friendly sociable group that also does so much for others. Very very proud to be a Warrior and to take part in the fundraising events. Also proud to call Tracy my friend.💖💖

Paula Hobbs


I always look forward to meeting Tracy. We only met a year ago and can honestly say she is a true friend. I often wonder how she manages to do all she does !! I give to these charities/causes because I know it's going to get there where it's needed. I donate gifts and have won prizes which is always lovely. I think it's fantastic the amount we have all supported Tracy to raise for each good causes. And look forward to carrying on supporting this worthwhile group .

Caroline Munton


I first came into contact with Tracy Taylor-Scott through our love of Michael Ball, in March 2022. Through that we've shared our health issues and Tracy has supported me emotionally in coming to terms with newly acquired diagnoses that I was struggling with, and still am, and she is constantly checking in with me to make sure I'm OK, despite going through all her own, more serious health issues...testament to what a truly selfless, caring person she is. She also gave me, through the kindness of her own heart, a ticket to see Michael Ball & Alfie Boe at Hampton Court, encouraging me to make the journey alone, something I never thought I'd do in the state I was in, but knowing we would be meeting up, so I would have a friendly face when I got there, I find it, and she could not have been more welcoming and made me feel so proud of what I had achieved! She introduced me to other Michael & Alfie fans and through Tracy I have made some lifelong friends. Then she created this group...and I have become part of something wonderful, where we raise money for incredible causes, support each other, even though most of us have never met (as it is a safe, supportive, troll free, bully free, caring environment). We have giveaways where I have won a book, CD, scarf etc... No matter how you are feeling, Tracy and this group always manage to lift you up as its so positive. I feel honoured to be a part of it xxx

All Testimonials are the true Voices of real people.... sharing their experiences and voices about Tracy and The TMAWA group.