My amazing  heartwarming musical day at The Music Man Project Essex.....

My amazing heartwarming musical day at The Music Man Project Essex.....


I would like to share my phenomenal day yesterday with you all 💖 I was very humbled and grateful to to be invited to the The Music Man Project UK The Music Man Project Essex the project where Michael Ball OBE is patron and also taken part in The music man project Royal Albert Hall concert next April 2024 which I am so proud to be fundraising for..... Yesterday was an absolutely fabulous and heartwarming day as I had the privilege of visiting the Music Man Project UK in Essex. Meeting David Stanley & Jenny, plus all the fabulous carers too. Mr David Stanley the founder and phenomenal maestro, along with the most heartwarming, welcoming and inspirational students of the MMP, this was A truly humbling and inspirational experience for me. David & Jenny radiate joy and bring the magic of music education to all the incredible student performers and it was a privilege to see and join in to. I thoroughly enjoyed joining in on the fun musical activities, and it was a day filled with laughter, music, and pure joy. The highlight for me was delivering the musical instruments that I have personally donated, along with the most generous musical instrument contributions from other amazing people too who have supported my instrument drive for the Music Man Project. I had a huge collection all donated by amazing supporters of my cause 🙏 which I am so truly grateful for and I can certainly say so was David and all the students too: We have donated A Harp, bongos, Ukeles, triangles, Shamen drums, drumsticks, conductor baton, ocean shakers, keyboard, multiple types of tambourines, xylophones, wooden blocks, musical bells, bags of wooden instruments, maracas, jingle bells, clackers etc etc etc 🎶💝🎶 The smiles and gratitude from everyone warmed my heart. The excitement was totally contagious 🙏🎶🙏 As you can see from all the amazing pictures I have had the best day ever ☺️🙏..... I have never been hugged so much 🙏🥰 And I even gifted lots of lovely gifts to everyone you can see from the pics everyone was over joyed 🥰🫠. But this journey is far from over. I'm excited to continue fundraising for this phenomenal cause because I've seen firsthand the impact it has on the students and their families. The joy and excitement on everyone's faces when they make music together are truly priceless. If you can, please consider donating to this wonderful cause I really do aim to purchase that Mini bus for this phenomenal project so they can visit venues in style and safely. Your support is not only appreciated but vital in spreading the magic of music and making a positive difference in the lives of these incredible individuals. Together, we can create more heartwarming and inspirational moments like the one I experienced yesterday. 💖🎶 I will share all donation links in the comments Plus the Musical instruments drive links too.... If anyone can kindly donate.... On the links bongos, Union Jack ukeles, triangle's, xylophones that would be amazing 🤩🎶💝🎶 Thank you so much to everyone that has donated so far and a huge big thank you to everyone you had supported my causes I cannot thank you all enough 💕🙏💕 xx😘 #MusicManProject #SpreadTheJoy #MusicEducation

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My Story my Way since 2017.... how it was nearly abruptly ended.......

My Story my Way since 2017.... how it was nearly abruptly ended.......


**Warning some graphic photos …. But not all of them!! ( I was unable to to show many as they are way to graphic and invasive for socials !) Some of My Life since I nearly lost my life in 2017 & 2018….. With the right mindset life can be changed around …. I have never shared this part of me before but if it helps someone I am happy to do so ….. it’s part of my story my way! I am choosing to share with you parts of me i have never shared before!! Some see me with my makeup on and lashes and nice clothes …. But what nobody has ever seen is these following photos i share with you of my journey 🙏💕🙏 by sharing with you all I hope to help, inspire and change the life of others for the better too …. I live to give … love, share and care …. That’s my lifes mission… My life was nearly abruptly ended in 2017 & 2018 a few times through ill health … i also had immense ill health before 2017 too but that’s a whole other story!! Cancer a few times inc of chemotherapy , ops, treatments etc, plus i live with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, spine and neck issues, plus live with a urostomy and other abdominal health problems!!…. But i live ! And live i will ! Even up against severe bullying amd trolling online because of doing what i live to do! And what i am now known for…. my giving to others! I will not let the bad guys into my life anymore!! My life is my life ! And live and give i will do 🙏💕🙏. In the tapestry of my life, woven with threads of giving, kindness, and charity, I've encountered both triumphs and tribulations. Nearly losing my life in 2017 and 2018 served as a profound turning point. With the right mindset, one can transform adversity into an opportunity to not only survive but thrive. My journey involves navigating through the intricacies of health battles, major life changing abdominal surgeries, emergency abdominal surgeries to save my life, enduring cancer multiple times, undergoing chemotherapy, surgeries, multiple treatments, procedures, tests etc etc and managing chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, spine and neck issues, abdominal issues and a urostomy. Yet, I choose to live vibrantly when my body lets me ! My dedication to charity and fundraising work stems from a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of giving. Even in the face of severe online bullying and trolling for something I live to do! I stand firm, refusing to let negativity overshadow my purpose. Life's mission for me is a symphony of love, sharing, and caring. Every random act of kindness is a note that resonates with the melody of my existence. In the realm of my passions, Michael Ball OBE and Alfie Boe add a harmonious touch to the soundtrack of my life. So, despite the challenges and hardships, my spirit remains unbroken. I live not just for myself but to change lives, including my own. 🙏💕🙏. I hope this chapter in my life can resonate and inspire some in someways? …. Let your journey begin ….. let your new roots take hold and grow in to the wonderful person you are ✨💕

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Tracy's Phenomenal Recent Adventures

Tracy's Phenomenal Recent Adventures


My Phenomenal Last few weeks... making amazing memories and fabulous connections with all ...... on my long and winding journey....... Thank you to everyone xx

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The First Warrior Meet up-What a phenomenal success

The First Warrior Meet up-What a phenomenal success


Together we are An Army!! The first of many Warrior Army Meet ups ....and how special was this 🎶💞🎶 @Aspectslove And Mr Michael Ball 🙏💕🙏 My wonderful fundraising support group had the most amazing time .... Lots of lovely ladies meeting Michael for the very first time ... How special was this 🎶💞🎶 .... Then a wonderful lunch to get to know once another a bit more then the amazing show .... Aspects of love where we got to see all the phenomenal performers especially Michael up close 👌😁 A fabulous day, an amazing experience .... And I for one cannot wait to do it all again.... The Joy I got seeing everyone enjoying themselves is my reward 🙏💕🙏 A very special day indeed 💓🌹🥰 xx #aspectsoflove Marian Palmer Sharon Crooks Paula Hobbs Carole Mcfarlane Sarah Jane Harvey Elaine Hall Janet Reck Patricia Moscattini Debbie Strudwick Pauline Bilton Elle Mae Netherton Beverly Netherton Suzanne Posner

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Tracy and Al Pacino....... Just WOW!!

Tracy and Al Pacino....... Just WOW!!


How awesome is this..... I had the enormous pleasure of meeting this amazing Man

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My Story..... My Way

My Story..... My Way


I am sharing a little bit about me........ so you know who I am and what I endure 24/7

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My Birthday Surprise from The Music Man Project

My Birthday Surprise from The Music Man Project


Just Re sharing this amazing birthday surprise I received during the week..... from David Stanleyand The Music Man Project UK....... Wow how privileged was I to receive this ... I was blown away...... just in case you never saw it.... You really can see the Magic all your donations are going to making this music magic and enhancing the life's of so many ...... and if you would like to help my fundraising campaign..... please hit the link here.... plus let me know because every donation over £10 can be gifted a Empire paperback book while stocks last....... O Wow I have just received the most wonderful Birthday gift 🎶🎼🎶💞 From Mr David Stanley and His sensational The Music man project performers..... It doesn't get any better than this ✨👌🙏💛🙏.... I am totally blown away with this absolutely fabulous Birthday message to me.... And I am privileged to be able to share with you all 🎼💞🎶 ....... I am moved beyond measure 🥰xx

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A Letter I received... which humbled me xx

A Letter I received... which humbled me xx


I have just received this incredible message.... As you can imagine I am in 🥰 I felt I needed to share with you all... And I hope this may also help 🙏 people to understand me a little more.... But also help anyone that needs to hear the message for themselves too ✨💛✨ Dear Tracy I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible person that you are. Despite the health challenges that you face, you have shown an unwavering spirit of kindness, compassion, care, generosity, and love towards others. Your selfless nature shines through in all that you do, and it is a true inspiration to witness. I have seen firsthand how you go out of your way to make others feel welcomed and considered. Your generosity knows no bounds, and you are always willing to give and share with those around you. Your fighting spirit in the face of adversity is nothing short of remarkable, and it is a testament to your inner strength and resilience. It takes a special kind of person to be able to shine a light for others while battling their own health battles, and you are truly one of a kind. Your courage and determination are an inspiration to all those who know you, and I am honored to count myself among your friends. I know that it can be tough when others express jealousy towards you, but please know that it is only a reflection of their own insecurities. Your light shines so brightly that it can be hard for some to look at it without feeling inadequate. But please don't let their negativity dim your light. You are a beautiful and shining star, and the world is a brighter place because of you. Thank you for being you. Your kindness, compassion, and love are a gift to the world, and I feel lucky to know you. With love and admiration, Name hidden...for privacy ✨💛✨

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A Little Snippet about Tracy and what she is all about to help you understand what Tracy stands for.

A Little Snippet about Tracy and what she is all about to help you understand what Tracy stands for.


I am sharing a little bit about me today 🙏 because lots of people often get the wrong end of the stick of what I am about ✨ So I thought I would put the record Straight ✨🙏 Tracy is a devoted fan of Michael and Alfie. Yes I am! Their music has been a constant source of comfort and inspiration to me during my very long battle with serious and chronic illnesses. Despite the challenges I face every day, I have always made time to listen to their albums and watch their performances, yes pushing my pain boundaries etc!! Tracy's illnesses have been a tough journey!! I have spent countless Weeks, Days and hours in hospitals, undergoing surgeries, life threatening health issues and enduring painful treatments. But I refused to let my illnesses define me ....yes they are a huge part of my life... I have the many scars to prove it!! however..... Instead, I have used my experiences to inspire others and make a positive difference in the world. One day, Tracy decided to start a fundraising campaign for a charitable organisation that supported families of children going through health adversity. I reached out to other fans of Michael and Alfie on social media, and was amazed by the response. People from all over the world offered their support and donated generously to the cause. The success of the campaign inspired Tracy to do even more. I started organising events and meet-ups for fans of Michael and Alfie, bringing people together in a spirit of friendship and community. The events were a huge success, and soon I had created a network of like-minded people who shared my love of the music and my passion for making a difference. Tracy's positive energy, kindness and dedication had a profound impact on those around her. People who had been struggling with their own illnesses or personal challenges found hope and inspiration in my example.... I know this because I was incredibly humbled to have been told by so many 🙏 These beautiful people were inspired to get involved with charitable organisations and make a difference in their own communities too.... Along with becoming part of my ongoing Fundraising and support effort's. Through it all, Tracy remained humble and grateful for the support she had received. I knew that I could not have achieved so much without the help of fellow fans and supporters. But I also know that I have played a critical role in bringing people together and creating a sense of purpose and belonging whilst supporting one another and enjoying been fans of Michael and Alfie. As the time has gone by, Tracy's health improved somewhat with the serious issues however the chronic issues will always continue... and her activism continued to grow. I have been so humbled to have become a beloved figure to many in the world of Michael and Alfie fandom, a beacon of hope and positivity for anyone who was struggling with illness or adversity. And through it all, I have done my absolute best and remained true to my guiding principle: that kindness, love and compassion can make a difference in the world, no matter how difficult the journey may be. My goal is to provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to come together, share their stories, and find strength in our collective efforts to make a difference. I am committed to promoting charitable causes and initiatives, while also supporting our members through their own personal struggles. By working together, we can make a real and lasting difference in the world and in the lives of those we care about whilst sharing our most mutual loves and likes. I strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment where members can connect, learn, and collaborate to make a difference. Through my commitment to transparency, accountability, and excellence, I aim to build a sustainable platform that empowers our members and helps them make a meaningful impact on society. I believe that by coming together as a passionate and dedicated group of supporters, we can help raise awareness and funds for causes that matter. I am driven by my passion for philanthropy and my desire to empower others to make a meaningful impact and create a better world through fundraising and support whilst overcoming somewhat life's adversities whilst also enjoying a little fun too 🙏💛 I have shared this little snippet about me in the Hope many more will understand a little bit more about me.... And stop the guessing game ✨🙏✨ xx

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Attention all fans

Attention all fans


🎉Attention all fans! Are you ready for the ultimate fan experience? Keep reading....... Join our support fan group and gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes group content, meet-and-greets ( yes you can actually have an opportunity to actually be gifted one of these 👌) , tickets and merchandise galore, making dreams happen and so much more! ✨ You have seen little snippets of what the group is achieving ✨👌 You can be part of that too a collective we are making a Difference 💛 and it all happens in our safe private group 👌💛 Not only will you get to connect with other passionate fans, but you'll also be supporting a great cause with your subscription fee, getting support and exclusive posts unique to the group 🙏 Plus inspiration and motivation too and so many giveaways they are becoming legendary ✨💛 Imagine getting up close and personal , seeing them perform live, and being part of an incredible community of like-minded individuals. That's what Tracy's TMAWA Warrior Army fundraising support fan group is all about ✨🎶👌 plus we are totally international so where ever you are in the world we are here for you 🙏 Just £4.99 per month gets you all of this exclusive membership to a very special group in deed ..... A large majority of the subscription fee is all for the amazing things we do for members 🙏 making those dreams happen 🙏💛✨ plus a little percentage goes to admin & postage We have already given so many random acts of kindnesses.... Gifts galore..... Tickets, meet and greets ...... And Opportunities 🙏✨ plus so much more 🙏 It's really happening! Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of the beginnings of an amazing group which is already making Fabulous plus's both in support and fan grouping 👌 We need you 🙏💛🙏 Subscribe now and let's make a difference together! Click the link below 👇 and follow the links on the site any questions just send me a message 🙏 💞 xx I am very approachable, friendly and professional..... And lots of you know me now or of me 💛 don't be shy now I am so excited to be welcoming you in 🙏 .....

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