Tracy Taylor-Scott
Ultimate Warrior Army Co ordinator

Hi i am Tracy most of you will know of me.... so you will already be in the knowledge i love to give..... and care and share..... and have a huge love for music and certain individual entertainers and thats what has born this unique group..... where i wish to continue the giving but on a bigger scale and inviting others to join in too to make the Warriors for good...... and Making sharing and support a positive thing and because we are a group we can do big things and make dreams happen. Whilst enjoying everything that is TMAWA and many exclusive posts which are very unique to the group. And with me as the lead you can feel rest assured that I have a very safe Haven for all.... So who is coming to join me and become a "WARRIOR"

Hi i am Tracy most of you will know of me....  You will maybe know  my story of how I have been battling serious illnesses......  but that has not stopped me from doing what I love to do ... yes I have my down days were I need to rest etc  but then I go marching on once I am well enough to do will maybe already  be in the knowledge i love to give..... and care and share..... and have a huge love for Michael and Alfie and thats what has born this unique group..... where i wish to  continue the giving but on a bigger scale  and inviting others to join/support me to make the Warriors for good...... and Making sharing and support a positive thing and because we are a group we can do big things and make dreams happen. Whilst enjoying everything that is these wonderful performers and many posts which are very unique to the group. 

And with me as the lead you can feel rest assured that I have a very safe Haven for all.... So who is coming to join me and become a "WARRIOR" 

We are an amazing group of people who love to , care , share and give too and you can be safe in the knowledge that everyone is truly supportive in all ways....... and also often have their own stories to tell...... So I have a very safe haven for all..... were we can all enjoy the fun, interesting things we do.....xx